The Real Highgarden
Game of Thrones may have Highgarden and its castles, but modern architecture incorporates some really high gardens in city centers, and some really wide gardens over airports and factories.
Sculpting with Willow Saplings
Willow saplings can be bent and twisted into some incredible shapes. Take a look at the work of some of the best environmental architecture from around the world.
Why Clover is More Than Just a Lucky Symbol
See the behind-the-scenes work that clover does on farmland. From providing food for bees and livestock to fixing the soil for other plants, clover is a staple of a lot of rural landscapes.
How Do You Make 3D Printed Jewelry?
See how we design pieces to be 3D printed in wax. The casting process is the same but the detail and intricacy you can get from a computer assisted model is incredible.
Lost Wax Casting 101
Figure out why it's called lost wax casting and what the process entails.
Hemlock Tree Extinction
One of the 9 hemlock species, the one that grows up the Appalachians from Georgia to Canada, will probably be gone by the end of this century. It will still exist in arboretums and on some private properties, and maybe in the far north, but its great swaths of forest will most likely have rotted out because of a non-native pest. Another reason why you should never transport firewood! - you risk spreading pests living in the wood to new areas.
Flower Diplomacy, US-Japan
Flower diplomacy? Yes, we got 3000 cherry trees from Japan in 1912 thanks to the work of Elizabeth Scidmore, a diplomate's wife. In 2012, we made a gift of 3000 dogwood saplings to Japan to commemorate the event. Some of those flowers went to memorials honoring those who lost their lives in the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Wasn’t Hemlock the Poison that Killed Socrates?
Hemlock sounds dangerous because we have a vague of it being used as a poison to kill Socrates. This post explains how the common name of that plant came to be associated with a family of large conifer trees in North America.