Awakening from Dormancy
Springtime brings a great transformation to the natural world. While most species stay dormant on regular cycles, some can sleep for decades before the right conditions bring them out of their slumber. Find out more about dormancy rhythms in plants and fungi here.

Plant Moms
Agave plants spend years building enough energy to send a 30 foot flower stalk into the air, and then die after having released their children to the world. Find out about other parenting strategies in the plant world here.

Math in Flowers, and also Fungi and Algea
The mathematical patterns we find in plants and fungi tells us about their quest for efficiency. Leaves grow at predictable angles to capture the most sunlight possible. Seeds are packed into tight spaces to ensure abundant offspring, etc.

I See Plants
Plant smuggling is a huge business. They are often seen outside of their natural environment, and it’s difficult for us to imagine them as active participants in an ecosystem. Learn about what scientists call plant blindness.

Here Comes the Sun Little Darlin...
Follow our love of sunflowers from the Mayans to our modern day industrial planting of over 8 million sunflowers at Fukushima.

Tree Ferns & Survival
Having thrived on earth for 360 million years, tree ferns have evolved some incredibly flexible and resilient strategies to adapt to their realities.

Monoculture Mania
From forest plantations to lawns, monocultures of one specific plant are everywhere. See what you can do to combat this problem in your own backyard.

Do You Have Ideas for Our New Collection?
We want to know what you think we should design next!

Plant Medicine
The history of medicinal plants outdates even humans, with several species of animals using plants not as nutrition, but rather as a way to fight infection and disease. See how plant medication has evolved from the Neanderthal to modern times.

Gold & Rose Gold Plating
Learn about how our gold plating techniques are different from other jewelers.

Winter Flowers
A plant must use a tremendous amount of energy to create flowers, so why would it choose to do this at the coldest time of year?

What is a False Conifer?
Evergreen? Conifer? Deciduous? See what all these botanical terms mean for the trees and plants you love.

Summer Shade
Trees provide us with some much needed relief from the summer heat. See what’s happening with the biggest trees - the Coastal Redwoods. Scientists have sequenced its genome and are trying to understand a variety of factors that enable it to survive for thousands of years.

Rhizosphere Riddles
Rhizospheres are the most dynamic environment in the world. In the millimeter of soil surrounding a root, billions of bacteria, fungi, and archaea are communicating and trading nutrients.

Making Plant Jewelry from Succulents, Branches, & Other Botanical Bits
See how we harvest from our succulent garden and forage from parks and riverbanks to cast unique organic material into silver and gold jewelry

Sculpting Dogwood Flowers
See how we turn flat sheet wax into wearable flower sculptures - then find out how the dogwood tree is more than just a beautiful bloom.

An Underwater Forest, Cypress Trees Buried off the Coast of Alabama
About a year after Hurricane Katrina, local fisherman started to notice increased activity about 10 miles off the coast of Alabama.

What are Stonecrops?
These plants are the only things in a garden that need less attention than the stones. They seem to flourish under any condition except one with too much water.

Four Famous Oak Trees
One of these trees was turned into a Chapel, one was a gathering place for illegal education, one has roots that won't quit after 13,000 years, and folklore tells us that one was the meeting spot for Robin Hood and his band of merry men.

Willows in Water, Drugs, & Folklore
Willows have long thin leaves, and flexible branches, and when the wind blows through them they look like flowing water. They are important to water ecosystems, but they also have a uniquely important place in the world of drugs and folklore.